Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Fun

This weekend we went to Linvilla Farm to get some pumpkins. Isaac didn't reallly see the point in that.

But he did like the apple cider doughnuts and the farm animals.

And as usual, he mostly enjoyed walking around and touching a chain, caution tape or some sort of divider. Isaac loves these sorts of things and wherever we are, he will find them and laugh.

My mom got Isaac a basketball hoop and he likes playing with it. Ben was smart and got him a ball that is too big, so he can learn slowly where the ball is supposed to go. These days Isaac always has something in his hands, a toy car, my phone, a block, my chapstick, so he doesn't have two free hands to put the ball in the basket yet, but he's working on it.


Michelle said...

I bet he was in heaven with all the divider things there (like he was at the Please Touch Museum!) I love the pumpkin picture and wish I could know what he was thinking in that one. Good basketball while clutching something obviously very important! Thanks for all the pictures and video - best part of my day!

Michelle said...

New pictures please!!!!!!!!