Saturday, July 21, 2012

School's Out

Isaac had his last day of school this week, which was sad (mostly for me). He had a great year and loved it. Here is a picture of his teacher, Matt and friend, Catherine on the last day.
Tyler is crawling everywhere, feeding himself puffs, and standing up (holding on)! He is very excited about Kato these days. And I spend most of my time keeping Isaac from tackling him.
My dear friend, Lillian and her daughter, Alice came to visit and the kids played in the pool in the backyard. It was great to see the kids playing together.


cb said...
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cb said...

I've been behind on your blog! The boys are so cute, love the videos and seeing them play together. It's so great to have a sibling close in age, even if they are always tackling you. Ha ha.