Sunday, December 30, 2012

Book Report 2012

In reading this year, I have discovered some authors that I am excited about! I was so delighted and impressed with Liane Moriarty who wrote What Alice Forgot, about a woman who passes out at the gym and wakes up forgetting the past ten years of her life. She has to piece together the things that have made her who she is now and realize how she has become someone she never wanted to be. It is entertaining, makes you think and I couldn't stop talking about it to my friends. Likewise, I read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Everyone should read this book.

I discovered The Cazelet Chronicles, by Elizabeth Jane Howard, a 4 book series about a rich family in England during the 1940's. I always like a long family saga.
 I also enjoyed new books by Barbara Kinsolver (Flight Behavior), Michael Ondaatjie (The Cat's Table) and Kazuo Ishiguro (Nocturnes). All in all, a pretty good reading year.

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